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Transform Plus 2

It is the innovation of plant nutrients that can reduce the problem of falling flowers and fruits giving any insecticide residue while being safe and eco-friendly.

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Transform Micro Soil

ផលិតផលថ្មី!! Transform Micro Soil ជាផលិតផលនៅក្នុងក្រុម Growing More។មានតួនាទីបង្កើនប្រសិទ្ធភាពមីក្រូសរីរាង្គ ជារូបមន្តសម្រាប់ការរំលាយមានមីក្រូសរីរាង្គល្អជាង 10 ប្រភេទ ដែលអាចរំលាយកាក់សំណល់ដូចជា ស្រង៉ៃ ស្មៅស្រូវបក្សី លាមកសត្វ ចំបើង ការពារជម្ងឺ និងសត្វល្អិត។



Transform N-P-K, primary plant nutrients include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) Formula 20 – 6 – 6 : Grows rapidly, enhances soil microbial activity to increase roots, stem, and nodes growth. Feeds the leaves to produce chlorophyll, improves nutrients to increase leaves and roots.


Transform Plus 1

It is the naturally bio polymer extract consisted of an important element in shell of prawn and crab that can be digested naturally without giving any toxic to humans, animals, and environment.



Transform N-P-K , primary plant nutrients include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) Formula 6 – 6 – 20 : Feeds the buds and fruits, improves starch storage, helping release nutrients from the soil to increase fruit yields, higher yields, and flavorful fruits, enhances nutrients to increase leaves and roots.